Media Links
The fragile X community has been very supportive of Seaside and STX209 for years. We have collected links to news/media articles that we are aware of and will be adding more as they’re available.
New York Times, 6/12/2012
PJ Star, 7/27/2012
Reuters, 5/31/2012
USA Today, 9/20/2012
Wall Street Journal, 9/24/2012
The Advocate, 2/14/2013
Bay State Parent, 4/2013
WVEC, 5/17/2013
NBC33 News, 5/24/2013
Disability Scoop, 5/28/2013
Boston Globe, 5/30/2013
PJ Star 6/3/2013
The New York Times, 6/6/2013
WEEK25 6/9/2013
Age of Autism 6/10/2013
CNN iReport 6/11/2013
Age of Autism 6/13/2013
CBS Philly 7/15/2013
NBC 10 Philadelphia 7/26/2013
Chicago Tribune 8/5/2013
WGN Chicago 8/6/2013